
To get rid of bad breath

The following steps may help to improve bad breath:
- Brush your teeth after eating: Keep your toothbrush at work to clean your teeth after eating. Be sure to clean your teeth at least twice a day, for a period of two to three minutes each time.
- Clean your tongue: rub your tongue a nice way to get rid of dead cells, and bacterial and food residues. Use a soft tooth brush or abrasive flexible tongue. Try cleaning the tongue
As in-depth as possible because the bacteria tend to accumulate in the back of your mouth.
- Use thread teeth every day: Vtnziv teeth should also floss removes food particles and platelets between your teeth.
- Clean artificial dentures: as you put a bridge or partially or full dental, Venzvh well at least once every day, or as instructed by your dentist.
- Avoid foods that cause strong unpleasant breath. This includes onions, garlic and spicy peppers. Froaúh these types of foods last for a long time usually in your mouth.
- Drink plenty of water to keep your mouth moist: Be sure to consume a lot of water, not coffee or soft drinks or alcohol.
- Chew gum or mint:. Chewing gum or sucking candy sugar-free help salivation, and removes food particles and bacteria, but if you suffer from dry chronic mouth, may prescribe you doctor or dentist solution to nibble artificial or medication be addressed through mouth to stimulate the flow of saliva.
- Chew fresh parsley: chewing parsley may improve bad breath temporarily.
It tried these methods and remained hated yourself, you must take the initiative to visit the doctor


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